Case histories: success stories

We let the facts speak for themselves to show that involvement, networking and return on investment are the measurable results we deliver to our customers every day.

Aristea Conference Center

Our conference centre, specifically designed for the needs of the meeting industry and integrated with our expertise, was built in 2019 to fully embrace digital innovation and its potential, thanks to the synergy between creative and executive teams and custom-developed technologies.

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TG Med

On the occasion of the 1st Cardiovascular Prevention Day (in Italian “I Giornata per la Prevenzione Cardiovascolare”), Aristea created a format based on the schemes used in infotainment for SIPREC

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Pillole di NOAC

Pillole di NOAC (NOAC pills) is an omnichannel project that aims to explore the topic in depth using various points of view and various modalities

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ECO (External Congress Office) is an innovative and efficient solution to manage and monitor the administrative activities related to congresses

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